Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Placement Preferences

1. Personally, I feel that I would be best at teaching students and teachers to use technology and software because I feel that many of my strengths would be displayed in that task. Firstly, I am very sociable thus I would easily be able to interact comfortable with and teachers. Secondly, I am very good at explaining things to people in the most simple terms so that would help me teach the students and teachers very efficiently. Thirdly, I am very patient and would not get irritated if  the teaching  process took longer than I would expect. 

I would also be comfortable learning new software as it already sort of a hobby of mind. I believe that I am quick learner and I really enjoy learning new things. 

I would not be comfortable in finding online resources or designing and develop a web site as I am not the kind of person how enjoys doing research and thus not good it and also I am not creative in the design sense in the slightest. 

2. -Creativity 8: I believe that I am very good at coming up with new ideas and coming up with ways to make them work.
-Responsibility 7: I am responsible most of the time however, I need a few reminders some times. 
-Web Design 6: I have no artistic ability and have never made a website. That being said I could probably learn how to fairly quickly. 
-Developing action plans 9: I am able to make detailed plans to get my ideas out there.
-Teach other people 10: I have lots of experience teaching people as I have taught my brother everything he know :). And I really enjoy the feeling of teaching people new things. 
-Meeting Deadlines 9: I complete almost all assignments on time unless there is an exceptional reason. 

3. I have no problem leading a group, it is in fact a role I assume most of the time. 

4. I would prefer to work with a partner or small group because i believe that is the most efficient way to work as the workload is split more evenly. 

5. I would be most comfortable working in English, Media, Geography and Biology. I would not be comfortable working in History because I am not interested in the course. 

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