Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Digital Detox

For the most I agree with, Nicholas Carr when he says that "constant multitasking is associated with shallower thinking, weakened concentration, reduced creativity, and heightened stress." I can see how do too many things at once could easily lower the quality of the work you are doing. However, where I think Carr is wrong is when he purposes that we stop multitasking all together and just began focusing on one thing at time. I think that would be a bit too extreme and end being inefficient, however,a more realistic solution would be to go from focusing on a dozen things cut down to two or three. This way your focus is more concentrated but you are still being efficient. 

 I believe that Liz Daly's opinion is closest to mine, particularly when she says " People will overreach with new technology, a few destructively, but the majority will learn when the task-switching becomes stressful instead of exciting." I think is the the most accurate perspective of the effect to switching between tasks and multitasking because although a few people will multi task to the point where the work is greatly affected negatively most will multi task in moderation and the work will not be affected  greatly. I also agree with that the fact that distractions have always been present and "wasting time YouTube-video-hopping is no worse than wasting time channel-surfing with the remote."

Personally, I do not think I would ever consider a digital detox, mainly because I don't see the benefits and I wouldn't be able too. I don't see how don't using technology could benefit my life seeing as how it is how a gain most of my technology. 

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